Sunday 17 June 2012

Antique Vampire Killing Kit

Antique Vampire Killing Kit

Well, there is this vampire hype thing going on, And  i just happen to found some information that interest me. So i thought i might just share it here. 
This Vampire Killing Kit is from the 1800s. It has a Bible, holy water, a cross, silver bullets, a gun, candles, knives, garlic, and of course wooden stakes.
This particular kit sold for $15,000 in an antique auction, and for good reason–it’s awesome. And these vampire killing kits were apparently a thing in the 1800s. Check out more of them here and here and here.

The question remains, were these kits serious or a novelty? Since most of the kits are high quality and date from around the 1840s (the novel Dracula came out in 1897), it seems that these were intended to really protect people from vampires.

So basically, I don't know much and don't really believe  in Vampire, but why would people make this things? if anyone knew, do drop some words in the comment box

Hasta Luego! Cheers
Andrew Tham
Twitter: @NdruTham

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